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Native American Festivals in California

Native American Festivals in California


欣赏美国原住民文化不仅仅是学习它的历史, but also about embracing its present. You can do some of both by going to Pow Wows in California—celebrations with traditional dancing, singing, drumming, 还有大吃大喝——还包括参加每年一度的庆祝艺术的节日, crafts, 以及美国原住民艺术家制作的当代电影. 有些活动是为了纪念长辈或橡子丰收, 而其他人则以展示冉冉升起的喜剧演员而闻名.

许多年度活动都在11月举行 Native American Heritage Month, as well as in September, to coincide with California Native American Day (always on the fourth Friday of that month). 看看这些活动,丰富你自己, 请记住,确切的日期可能每年都不一样.

April: Redding Rancheria Earth Day, Redding

Observe Earth Day on the grounds of the Win-River Casino, located on the Redding Rancheria 那是皮特河、温图和亚纳部落后裔的保留区. 了解环保的做法,而购物供应商提供的美洲原住民的衣服, jewelry, and cuisine.

June: Honored Elders Day, Sacramento

在土著文化中,长老被尊为历史和传统的守护者, 这个一年一度的活动是为了纪念来自加州各地的部落长老. While they enjoy a lunch and ceremony inside Sacramento’s State Indian Museum, 公众被邀请到博物馆场地观看表演, artisan vendors, and Indian tacos.

June: American Indian Arts Marketplace, Los Angeles

在这个一年一度的活动中购买当地艺术品、珠宝和时装 Autry Museum of the American West in Los Angeles休息时间去观看博物馆常驻剧团“本土之声”的现场表演. This museum in Griffith Park 是美国最大的印第安艺术和手工艺品收藏地之一, so check the museum’s exhibitions or events 浏览更多全年的本土艺术展览或表演.

June: Native American Arts Festival Week, Idyllwild

This week at Idyllwild Arts—an acclaimed arts center in the San Bernardino County town of Idyllwild庆祝代代相传的美国本土艺术, from bird singing to stand-up comedy. During the summer, check the calendar 更多关于编织篮子、制作珠宝和烹饪的本土工艺工作坊.

June: California Native Ways Festival, Berkeley

了解制作当地篮子的复杂细节和艺术天赋, tule canoes, and other crafts at this festival in Berkeley’s Ohlone Park. 这一天通常会有来自包括Pomo在内的部落的艺术家, Mewok (also spelled “Miwok” and “Me-Wuk”), and Karuk, 以及一场关于加州印第安人地名意义的小组讨论.

September: Me-Wuk Acorn Festival, Tuolumne

Join the Tuolumne Band of Me-Wuk Indians 庆祝当地每年收获的黑橡树橡子 Tuolumne County. 庆祝活动包括跳舞、工艺品摊贩和手游.

September: California Native American Day, San Bernardino

在加州大学校园里庆祝加州印第安人日 Cal State University, San Bernardino, where the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians will throw a party of music and dancing. 这个免费的活动经常有Miwok和Yurok唱歌和跳舞,以及Cahuilla鸟鸣.

September: 圆谷印第安部落加利福尼亚印第安日, Covelo

来参加游行,文化舞蹈,辣椒烹饪,还有更多 Mendocino County. 留在当地的竞技场上参加西部游戏日, 在保留区尽情地玩游戏 Hidden Oaks Casino.

September: Moompetam Festival, Long Beach

Visit the Aquarium of the Pacific 庆祝几种当地土著文化. Check out craft demonstrations, storytelling sessions, 还有来自各种沿海土著部落的音乐和舞蹈表演, including Tongva, Chumash, Luiseño, and Kumeyaay. 节日门票包含在你的门票中 Long Beach aquarium.

October: Morongo Music & Cultural Fest

Camp on the grounds of the Morongo Casino & Resort during this weekend in Greater Palm Springs 将本土文化与全球美好情感融合在一起. In between musical acts, spend the night in an on-site teepee, take a sacred poetry lesson, or bliss out in drum, meditation, or yoga sessions.

October: Indigenous Peoples’ Day, Berkeley

Celebrate October’s three-day weekend in Berkeley, 哪一个城镇是1992年第一个庆祝土著人民日的, 在克里斯托弗·哥伦布到达美洲500年后. A few years after that first observance, Santa Cruz其他城市也相继采用了这一节日. The original party is still in Berkeley at MLK Civic Center Park这里有印第安人的市场和帕瓦仪式.

To celebrate in Southern California, head to Santa Ana in Orange County, where the 圣安娜市民中心的太阳广场 在周末举办一个免费的社区活动,有音乐和舞蹈.

October: Native Arts Expo, Mendocino

Browse Native-made art and jewelry at the Mendocino Art Center. 周末通常包括音乐表演, workshops, panel discussions, and a film screening.

November: Ridgecrest Petroglyph Festival

在这个一年一度的节日里,你可以了解科索岩画——世界上最好的古代绘画收藏之一 Kern County town of Ridgecrest. Enjoy a street fair, live Native American music, 参观岩画公园,更多地了解这些成千上万的动物雕刻和抽象设计, which are usually off limits to visitors.

November: California American Indian & Indigenous Film Festival, San Marcos

Located in north San Diego County, the 加州印第安文化和主权中心 主办这个美国原住民电影制作人、制片人、导演和演员的新电影节. Along with screenings, 加州州立大学圣马科斯分校的节日包括小组讨论, dialogues with film industry pros, and post-screening Q&A sessions.

November: American Indian Film Festival, San Francisco

在世界上最长的电影节上观看放映和小组讨论,专门放映美国原住民和加拿大第一民族的电影. The San Francisco 节日的安排通常还包括其他具有文化内涵的活动,比如厨师的烹饪演示 Crystal Wahpepah from Wahpepah’s Kitchen in Oakland.

November: LA Skins Fest, Hollywood

观看本地艺术家制作的电影 Hollywood’s famous TCL Chinese Theater. The festival, which has been running since the early 2000s, gives out awards for documentary, animated, and narrative films, as well as special awards for actors, writers, and directors.

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